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Favor; 48" x 36" Oil on canvas
This painting speaks to our triune nature and our inherent necessity to be "set apart" according to our Creator's design.

The Secret Place; mixed media sculpture; 4' X 6'
A visual representation of the spiritual concept of "abiding under the shadow of the Almighty" according to Psalm 91.

Unconventional Warfare; mustard seeds and ink
A recreation of a U.S. Army Technical Manual that speaks to the essence of spiritual warfare. (Ephesians 6:12/Matthew 13:31-32)

Breakthrough; 24"x18" mixed media
Ezekiel 36:26-37

Transcendent; 36"x48" oil on canvas
The light from the stars that we see in the sky have long since burned out; what we are witnessing is the result of a transcendence of time, connecting us to our forefathers.

Covenant;13" x 13" Ketubah, hand-embroidered onto U.S. Army BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) Coat

War of the Words;40" x 30" Acrylic on canvas
Proverbs 18:21; Luke 10:19

Origins / From Generation to Generation;Acrylic gel transfers / 22" x 45" paper, ink and cord
Tallit made from the pages of my father's Bible that was used so much it was literally falling apart.

Seasons;Leather; wheat seeds and barley seeds
This piece speaks to God's moedim (appointed times).
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